American Legion Slate Ridge Post 182

Sick Call / In Memory Of

Our History
PNC Helps Veterans
Post Officers
Constitution and By-Laws
Legion News
Squadron 182 Officers
ALR Post 182 Officers
Auxiliary Officers
Sick Call / In Memory Of
Calender of Events
Post Minutes and Newsletter

These lists include ALL members of Post 182 (Post, Sons, Riders, and Auxiliary)

Members Currently on Post Sick Call List

Bob Lloyd
Blair Mallonee
Donald Williams
Steve Huff
Marvin Wright
Jim Koerner

Post Everlasting

Thomas A Burke Jr.
Thomas A Burke III

In Memory Of


"Resolution 288, adopted at the 67th National Convention, calls for designating a POW/MIA Empty Chair at all official meetings of The American Legion as a physical symbol of the thousands of American POW/MIAs still unaccounted for from all the wars and conflicts involving the United States of America.  A reminder for all of us to spare no effort to secure the release of any American prisoners from captivity, the repatriation of the remains of those who died bravely in defense of liberty, and a full accounting of those missing.  Let us rededicate ourselves for this vital endeavor!"
"Those who have served, and those currently serving in the uniformed services of the United States, are ever mindful that the sweetness of enduring peace has always been tainted by the bitterness of personal sacrifice.  We are compelled to never forget that while we enjoy our daily pleasures, there are others who have endured and may still be enduring the agonies of pain, deprivation and imprisonment"


Come see our Display of the small table which occupies a place of dignity and honor.  It is set for one, symbolizing the fact that members of our armed forces are missing from our ranks.  They are referred to as "POWs and MIAs"
"The meaning of the display is explained below"
"The table is small, symbolizing the frailty of one prisoner, alone against his or her suppressors."
"The tablecloth is white, symbolic of the purity of their intentions to respond to their Country's call to arms."
"The single rose in the vase signifies the blood they may have shed in sacrifice to ensure the freedom of our beloved United States of America.  This rose also reminds us of the family and friends of our missing comrades who keep faith, while awaiting their return."
"The red ribbon on the vase represents the red ribbons worn on the lapels of the thousands who demand, with unyielding determination, a proper account of our comrades who are not among us."
"The slice of lemon on the plate reminds us of their bitter fate."
"The salt sprinkled on the plate reminds us of the countless fallen tears of families as they wait."
"The glass is inverted, they cannot toast with us at this time."
"The chair is empty.  They are NOT here."
"The candle is reminiscent of the light of hope, which lives in our hearts to illuminate their way home, away from their captors, to open arms of a grateful nation."
"The American flag reminds us that many of them may never return---and have paid the supreme sacrifice to insure our freedom."
"Let us remember---and never forget their sacrifice"


Questions or comments? Get in touch with us at: 

Mailing Address:
American Legion
Slate Ridge Post 182
2217 Whiteford Road
Whiteford Maryland 21160
Email Address: