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American Legion Slate Ridge Post 182

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Thursday 6 March 2025 2:17PM

To see minutes and other information from a post meeting held October 1977 and prices of some of the events. (You will need adobe reader on your system to view this document)


The American Legion Slate Ridge Post 182

2217 Whiteford Road

Whiteford Maryland 21160



Condensed History of  Slate Ridge Post 182

Slate Ridge Post 182 American Legion was conceived by a group of returning WW2 veterans.  The first meeting was in the Firemen’s Hall, Delta, PA on October 4, 1945.  Charles Robinson acted as temporary chairman; Northern Central District Vice Commander Howard A. Pety was present to advice.

                It was decided by a majority vote that the name of the Post would be “Slate Ridge Post”.

Thomas A. Bradley was elected temporary Commander and Robert W. Ayres was temporary Adjutant.

                Dues were set at $5.00 a year by a majority vote.  The meeting night was set as the 2nd Tuesday of each month. (That night still holds to this day.)

                Charles Robinson and Garth Hamilton were appointed as a committee to find a meeting place.  The 2nd meeting was held in the Slate Ridge High School auditorium. Wm. Fargason acted as Chaplain.  Past State Commander Roy Pyle and Past State Vice Commander Jack Carmen addressed the membership.

                It was moved and second that a turkey raffle and dance be held.  Five turkeys will be raffled off.  The committee consisted of R. Price Scott, Chr. Vallie J. Kilburn and Charles Robinson.

                It was decided to hold election of officers at the next meeting.  Total members to day 31.

                The 3rd meeting was held November 12, 1945 in the auditorium of Slate Ridge High School.  Twelve new members were received for a total of 43 members. Nomination and election of officers was held.

Nomination for Commander was R. Price Scott, Harold Lloyd.  R. Price Scott elected.

Nomination for vice Commander was Harvey Wayne, James Dinsmore, A.T. Bradley.  Harvey Wayne elected.

Wm. Fargason elected Chaplain.

Nomination for Sgt of Arms D.O. McCleary, Earl Malone, Martin Broderick and Edward Wiley.  Martin Broderick elected.

The Commander will appoint his Adjutant.

                Membership committee was appointed as follows:  Comrades Lloyd, Broderick, Lowe, Wiley, Malone and Kilburn.

                The 4th meeting December 11, 1945 was held in the basement of Slate Ridge High School.  It was moved and second that Professor Samsell be paid $18.00 for meeting held in the high school.  Henceforth meetings will be held in the election rooms of Stearns Precinct for which Steward O. Day has advised compensation will be nil.  Meeting was turned over to Commander Elect Scott.  The Senior Class of slate Ridge High School will sell refreshments at the dance to be held December 21st.

                The 5th meeting held January 8, 1946 was held in the Slate Ridge High School.  $131.98 was cleared on the dance.  A committee was appointed to investigate the McCleary property for a possible place to meet.  Vice Commander Wayne appointed Vallie Kilburn and himself as the committee.  Entertainment committee appointed - John Doyle, Ned Creager, and Harold Lloyd. 

                The 6th meeting February 12 1946 met in the basement of Slate Ridge High School.  Visitors present:  Major Robert H Archer and Charles Gilbert Cooley past commanders of Post #39 Bel Air and Carl Snyder from Red Lion Post.  The charter has been granted.  Major Archer will pick up literature and membership cards from Baltimore on Wednesday.  Post agreed to take over marking of graves on Memorial Day in this neighborhood.  D. O. McCleary appointed as grave registrar. 

                The 7th meeting March 11. 1946 met in the Slate Ridge High School Auditorium.  The meeting was turned over to Howard A Pety, Vice Commander Northern central district who took charge of initiation and installation ceremonies.  38 members received the initiation.  The previously elected officers were installed.  State commander Joseph Cantrell gave a talk.  About 150 members and friends were present including Legionnaires from Bel Air, Aberdeen, Havre de Grace Churchville and Randallstown.

                The 8th meeting March 20 1946 mat at Slate Ridge High School.  Dance committee to hold a dance on May 2, price of admission is $.65 plus tax.  Plans were discussed for forming a corporation.  A committee was appointed to draw up a Constitution and By Laws to for a corporation and prepare the necessary papers and have them recorded after approval by the post.  Comrades McCleary, Stewart, Thomson, Parthree, Fargason, and Kilburn.  Comrades Tobin and Brooks appointed to form Constitution and By Laws.  Letter of thanks to be sent to Post #39 for use of their color and cooperation and help on the initiation and installation ceremony.

                The 9th meeting April 9, 1946 Slate Ridge High School.  Dance committee reported dance to be held in Heaps Hall, Tuesday night April 30, tickets are $.75 including tax.  Cooperation Committee brought three questions to the membership.

1.        Is the Legion satisfied to rent a place up to $35.00 a month for a meeting place and hall and exclusive rights for a period of time or continue to meet in the Slate Ridge High School?

2.       Do you want a home in town or out of town?

3.       Do you want to start a building fund or not?

Secret ballot on question #1. – rent a place was carried by a large majority.

Secret ballot on question #2 – find a meeting place out of town was carried by a majority.

                The 10th meeting was April 22, 1946, Slate Ridge High School.  This meeting is a special purpose being that the building committee has located a property; this property belongs to D.O. McCleary, consisting of a house and approximately five acres of ground. Comrade McCleary had agreed to sell this property to the Post for $2500.00 and to settle on January 1, 1947.  Comrade Robinson moved and comrade Macomber second that we buy the property.  Motion by comrade Snyder second by Comrade Watson that we vote by secret ballot – motion carried.  Result of ballot was to purchase comrade McCleary’s property.

                The 11th meeting May 14, 1946 at Slate Ridge High School.  American Legion Day committee appointed: comrades Stein, Neeper and Marvin Jones. Flowers to decorate graves of our war dead in the community to be collected at Robinson Brothers Warehouse May 30 from 7 60 9 AM.  Comrade Parthree reported on what work was needed to be done on the property. 

                The 12th meeting June 11 1946 Slate Ridge High School.  Caucus to be held August 4, 1946, 2:15 PM in the War Memorial, Baltimore. Comrade Tiptin from Towson Post explained American Legion Day to be held August 10 at the Bay Shore Park.

                The 13th meeting on July 9, 1946, slate Ridge High School.  Membership to turn out July 13th to clean up home for meetings.  Forms to be filled out to Veterans Administration for a doctor to be appointed for the post.  Motion and second that charter be closed January 1, 1947.  Audit committee appointed.  Nomination and election of officers:  Commander - O.M. Stein,  Vice Commander – Charles Watson, Service Officer – T. Bradley,  Historian – Roland Parthree, Chaplain – Wm Fargason, Sgt of Arms – moved and second that second man or looser is Asst. Sgt of Arms – Macomber and Lloyd Asst.  Motion and second that Adjutant and Treasurer be combined in the post.  Adjutant appointed by Comrade Stein – James Dinsmore.  Delegates to the convention in Cumberland August 14-17 – comrades Scott, Stein and Bradley.  Alternates – comrades Watkins, Watson and Snodgrass.

                The 14th meeting met in Legion Home,  August 30, 1946.  Motion and second to elect another vice commander – Comrade Watson- First Vice Commander, Comrade Robinson – Second Vice Commander.  Sent for 25 tickets to the baseball game in Baltimore August 20 1946.  Comrade Pety installed the newly elected officers.  Check for $50 Given to comrade McCleary to bind deal on Legion home and property.  Check for $50 presented to Hyman Reamer toward remodeling home.  By lows of the Corporation to voted on at the next meeting.

                The 15th meeting September 10, 1946 in Post home.  By Laws accepted.  Audit accepted.  Chairs were bought by Comrade Beakes with the understanding the Post to vote on accepting them.  Motion and second to pay for chairs.  Post to turn over $300 to building committee to pay for chairs and electric lights.  Committee was appointed to put on a Minstrel Show. 3 men to be appointed to be at the post home early each meeting night.

The 16th meeting, October 8, 1946, Post home.  Report on the dance and another dance to be scheduled for Thanksgiving. Report on State convention – Watkins.  Report on membership drive – Robinson.  Report on building committee – Parthree – He made a motion the building committee borrow $200 from the bank and sell debentures to cover remainder on home and repairs; to be headed by Comrade Fargason.  Debentures to be sold to Legion members only.  $175 turned over to building committee for expenses.

                The 17th meeting November 12, 1946, Post home.  Adjutant to check on letter to Veterans Administration and see if Dr. Hunt would be acceptable as Veterans doctor.  Comrade Robinson brought before the Post the idea of the comrade’s wives starting a Legion Auxiliary.  Comrade McLaughlin made a motion that we start an Auxiliary, second by Comrade Beakes.

                The 18th meeting December 10, 1946 at Post home.  Letter from Mr. Morton of Staco Milling Co. who  donated $150 for Legion flags.  Receipts from play “Kiss and Tell” were $172.30 with all expenses taken out.  Motion new committee be appointed to draw up these bylaws. Commander Stein stated the charter has to be closed first of the year.  Comrade Heaps said Cardiff green Marble would donate sand for the driveway.

                The 19th meeting, January 14, 1947 at Post home.  Flags and Post banner ordered .  The house committee and steward to be appointed at the next meeting.

                The 20th meeting February 11, 1947 at Post home.  Doctor Derogi has accepted appointment as Post Physician.  House committee appointed – Harold Lloyd, Charles Watson and Edward Wiley, Stewart will be appointed at the next meeting.  Letter from National Commander Griffith that anyone wishing to attend d the dinner and dance at the Lord Baltimore Hotel, March 6, 1947 write for reservations – tickets are $4.00.


Nominations for the new corporation committee brought to the floor.  Lions Club going to erect a memorial for WW1 and WW2 Veterans.  Comrade Harkins offered several things useful to the post home.

                The 21st meeting March 11, 1947.  New flags displayed Stewart to be appointed later.  Minstrel show needs more to participate in it.  Letter of thanks to be written to people who donated to Legion – Robert Krewson, James Westerman, Ralph Kilgore, Al Peyton, Bob Heaps Sr, and Mrs. Bessie Smithson.  The new board of directors of the Corporation election was held, the following were elected;  John Beakes, Hubert Harkins, Charles Robinson- three years; Joe Robinson, William Fargson Charles Watson – 2 years; William Thompson Jr., Hugh Dooley, Charles Stewart – one year.

                The 22nd meeting April  8, 1947 Post home.  Invitation from Auxiliary to attend the initiation ceremony May 10 at the Legion home.  Bar closed during the meeting.  Epply will paint sign to be placed at the end of the driveway.  Cleared $424 on Minstrel Show.  New room to be added to post home.  Open house May 18th, Saturday night.  Invitation from Slate Ridge Church to attend Memorial Service, Sunday night, May 18th.

                The 24th meeting  3 June 1947, Special.  Dedication of colors, presentation of chartered initiation of all new members.

                The 29th Meeting October 14, 1947.  Installation of Ladies Auxiliary November 3, 1947 at 8:00pm followed my cover dish supper and friendly get together. Committee for the return of WW2 dead – Charles Watson, John Beakes, and A. T. Bradley to form Post rifle squad.

                The 30th meeting November 11, 1947.  First Oyster bake had an approximate profit of $300.  Grave markers to be gotten . Two WW2 heroes’ bodies returned.

                The 31st meeting December 9, 1947.  Donated $10 toward expenses of Christmas Party for the children of the community.  Board of Directors to contact Paul Donnan to move into Post home as prospective caretaker.

                The 33rd meeting, February 1948.  Plans to hold a military funeral for John R. Hushon whose body was recently returned.

                The 40th meeting September 1948. Post will have bingo and pitch games at the Ladies auxiliary sponsored carnival on the Post grounds.  Discussion on applying for a beer license.  Discussion on social  members.

                The 48th meeting, May 10, 1949.  Boys State to be held at Bainbridge Naval Station at a cost of $17.50 per boy.  A boy from our community would be selected.  Charles Robinson to select the boy.

                The 49th meeting June 14, 1949.  Robert Jones of Whiteford is our Boys Stater.  A boy from Delta to also be sponsored.  Participated in the July 4th Delta/Cardiff Fire Co. parade.  Forming of color guard looked into.  Post to spend up to $3500 on various improvements to the Post. 

                The 50th meeting July 12 1949.  Hugh Howell of Delta was Boys State from Delta.  Avery good report was received about both boys.  A most worthwhile project all agreed.


Further meeting were held each month conducting the Legion business and programs.


The new building was completed for approximately $ 80,000 and the doors opened April 1 1976.  The post continues its activities and programs to the community, state and nation from the present Facility.



Compiled by David Watson Jr.

7 October 1997

Questions or comments? Get in touch with us at:

Mailing Address:
American Legion
Slate Ridge Post 182
2217 Whiteford Road
Whiteford Maryland 21160
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